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goTandem White Label App For Your Ministry
Enhance your reach and help people grow closer to Jesus every day with your custom Bible engagement & spiritual fitness app.
No Cost. Start Today.
With the vital role digital tools play for the future of your church, and the need for personalized discipleship content, we’ve designed this online platform to be practical in use and personal to the needs of each of your church members.
How It Works:
The user’s experience in the goTandem app is personalized through a 25-dimension needs survey. Spiritual fitness develops as God’s Word, prayer and encouragement are delivered multiple times per day.
Steps 2 through 4 feature your church’s specialized content. From services, to bible studies, even meetings, or online giving, make this your digital spiritual hub. And remember, all of goTandem’s high-quality, daily bible engagement content is also available on a daily basis to help keep your people spiritually fit!
It can be customized and fully branded to your ministry to accommodate your congregation, your mission and overall your spiritual fitness goals
Learn about research behind goTandem here.
After six weeks, users report:

Reach Your Church’s Spiritual Needs, One Person at a Time:
Spiritual Fitness Tool
Your custom app comes fully loaded with our robust spiritual fitness experience powered by goTandem.
Users take a quick assessment which triggers personalized biblical content to arrive at the times it's needed most. And best of all, it's proven to facilitate life transformation.
Content Library
Keep people connected to your ministry by providing unlimited content of your choice from our free content library, or create your own.
Upload content in a variety of forms including text, images, audio, and video. Get detailed analytics on all of the content.
Powerful Analytics
Get to know your app users with detailed analytics. From content and scripture engagement to your congregation's aggregated struggles and areas of growth - analyze the overall spiritual health of your audience to make informed decisions on how to better serve your people and get them spiritually fit.
Need more details?
We are here to assist. Contact Us by phone, email or via our social media channels.​
If you need help with your custom app administration, you can find more details here.

Our custom app has been life changing for our church. We have been able to involve over 10,000 of our congregation in the word on a daily basis. The app has allowed our church to break into the lives of our people all week long and not just on Sunday's. It has also been a wonderful tool for evangelism.
- Dale Sutherland, Executive Pastor McLean Bible Church

I’ve seen thousands of young men and women accept Christ, but I felt sad knowing the environments that the kids were going back to. I felt we needed to go deeper in discipleship and mentoring. When I found the Back to the Bible custom app opportunity, I knew this was the personalized spiritual growth experience for those my ministry reaches. The results have been very encouraging.
- Ray Grandstaff, Director
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

“As a leader of a women’s ministry, the Word of God shared through our Bible engagement app allows us to minister to the unique and wonderfully complex way women are created. Users can choose a track that fits their spiritual urgencies. As a leader, I dream of a world where the first text message a woman reads in the morning is from God’s word. The app is a revolutionary way to help make this happen more often.
- Kalyn Vogelman, Women's Ministry Director Southwest Ohio
THRiVE Women's Ministry

From a denominational perspective, there is a significant need to give churches relevant tools and resources that can be used to disciple people. The changing landscape of the culture makes it difficult to find resources that are tested and proven to work. Knowing that several hundred of our churches have a discipleship app that is backed by research is assuring. The numerous stories we have received from pastors and users alike validate what the research articulates. When the pastor of a church that has 50 - 100 members can offer an app of this caliber to the congregation and real transformation is experienced, it breathes life and vitality into that church. This collaboration with Back to the Bible has been refreshing!
- Rev. John Comstock, Church of the Nazarene

Our ministry in Ecuador has been known traditionally by a radio program and we have impacted the generation who were used to listen to radio every day, but, for the last 10 years we have been wondering how to reach new generations that are more connected to internet using their phones or tablets. goTandem has been the perfect answer for that. We have seen many people, especially Millennials, loving to read portions of the Bible every day on their phones and now interacting with their friends and encouraging them to download the App. we have many testimonies from Pastors how love the way that technology is reaching new generations in a language they understand with the unshakable and everlasting truths from the Word of God.
- Pablo Logacho, Director
Ministerios La Biblia Dice
Need more details?
We are here to assist. Contact Us by phone, email or via our social media channels.​
If you need help with your custom app administration, you can find more details here.
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