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Spiritual Fitness Will Change Gospel Impact in 2023

What is Spiritual Fitness? How can it work in our lives and in reaching others? Hear from Arnie and Pastor Nat how spiritual fitness can draw us closer to Jesus personally. They'll also share how it can change reaching those who need Jesus and grow our churches.

Watch this video about "What is Spiritual Fitness."

Back to the Bible is Helping You Tackle Spiritual Fitness in 2023

As we close out 2022 and look forward to 2023, it is incredible to see the opportunities God is putting in front of Back to the Bible. Our Content and Technology Teams are putting in extra hours getting ready for the launch of the first online spiritual fitness center. You’ll start to see these changes January 1! Hear all of the latest from Pastor Nat and Arnie in this video.


Your gift today combined with a generous year-end challenge grant will make it possible for the continued development of our ground-breaking spiritual fitness platforms!

Arnie and Nat discuss what's happening in 2023.

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