Event Speakers
Churches, men's or women's groups, parenting seminars, radio and TV shows ... no matter the venue, we can provide speakers for a variety of family, faith and spiritual growth topics
For more information or to schedule a speaker for your next event, please complete our contact form or email info@backtothebible.org
Dr. Arnie Cole
Arnie Cole (EdD, Pepperdine) is the CEO of Back to the Bible and Director of Research and Development for the Center for Bible Engagement. With his passion for research and helping others, Dr. Cole has been active most of his professional life in developing methodologies, processes and best practices to instill significant behavioral change in individuals. He has also been a Keynote speaker at the Unconventional Business Summit, a National Faith & Business Conference. Arnie has also published several books including Unstuck and Tempted, Tested, True. He and wife, Char, live near Lincoln, Nebraska.
Worry-Free Living: Beating the Fear-Worry-Stress Cycle
Managing the Dark Side of Me: Strategies for Defeating Temptation
The Power of Bible Engagement: Latest Research Findings
Advice from a CEO: Leadership that Gets Results
Dr. Pamela Caudill
With a B.A. in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Human Services Psychology, Pam has used her research, measurement, and analytic skills to tackle a wide variety of issues from public welfare policy to family violence to spiritual growth. As Executive Director for the Center for Bible Engagement, Pam conducts studies on scripture engagement, spiritual growth and church health. She's the author of several books including Managing Your Family's High Tech Habits. Pam lives near Lincoln, Nebraska with her four children.
Worry-Free Living: Beating the Fear-Worry-Stress Cycle
The Power of Bible Engagement: Latest Research Findings
Helping Youth Make Faith Their Own
Managing Your Family's High Tech Habits
Spiritual Lives of Children: Big Ideas for Ministering to Children