And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: "Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are--northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever."
A Place Called Home
In late summer the migration of the monarch butterfly occurs. If you're in the right place at the right time, you can see hundreds of them clinging to tree limbs and shrubbery as the flock journeys to a remote mountain site in central Mexico. Scientists have found 16 of these sites, ranging from one to ten acres each, within a 100-mile radius, where millions of butterflies from North America spend the winter. No one knows how butterflies find their way there. Each generation that migrates is new and has never been there before. Yet something programmed into their tiny bodies directs them to a place they have never seen, but is a home they instinctively know they must find.
The Jews have the same attitude toward their homeland of Israel, and it all began with Abraham. God gave him a plot of land--not just to this Jewish patriarch, but to his "descendants forever." Even though they are now spread throughout the world, Jews still long to return to this small oasis. For some, it's just for a visit; for others, it's to start life over again. But for Jews, wherever they may live, Israel is home.
That same instinct for home should burn in the hearts of Christians. For us, home is not a country on earth; it's a destination called heaven. While Abraham and his descendants were promised a land, all who receive Jesus Christ as Savior are promised an eternal dwelling place (John 14:2).
Take comfort in the thought that you have a home in heaven. Each day brings you closer to home--not to visit but to live. God has reserved a dwelling place that will fulfill the deepest longing of your heart. Rejoice!
Heaven is more than a city; it's a home.