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Ben Zuehlke
Apr 26, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Arnie Interviews Warren Wiersbe and Bryan Clark - 20 of 20
Air Date: 4/26/19 - In this special edition of Back to the Bible join Warren Wiersbe and Back to the Bible CEO Arnie Cole for a very...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 25, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Grace in Suffering - 19 of 20
Air Date: 4/25/19 - Everybody suffers in one way or another, and Warren Wiersbe shares a message from a man who had his share of...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 24, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Weakness and Strength; Glory and Grace - 18 of 20
Air Date: 4/24/19 - Is it wrong to boast? Warren Wiersbe points to the example of the apostle Paul to show that it isn't--if we're...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 23, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Overcoming Discouragement - 17 of 20
Air Date: 4/23/19 - Warren Wiersbe challenges us with the question of living by faith--are we going to live by what we see in this world...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 22, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Don't Lose Heart! - 16 of 20
Air Date: 4/22/19 - Are you discouraged in your service to God and ready to quit? Warren Wiersbe encourages us to keep going through his...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 19, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Groaning for Christ's Return - 15 of 20
Air Date: 4/19/19 - Warren points us to the future to help us see our present sufferings with an eternal perspective! We'll learn about...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 18, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Resist Satan - 14 of 20
Air Date: 4/18/19 - As followers of Christ we have a strong enemy who wants to cut us down at every turn. That's why it's so important to...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 17, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Humble Yourself; Cast Your Cares - 13 of 20
Air Date: 4/17/19 - Why is it important to humble yourself before the Lord, even when your world is in turmoil? Warren Wiersbe teaches...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 16, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Servant Shepherds - 12 of 20
Air Date: 4/16/19 - Leading God's people is not an easy job. And Warren Wiersbe looks to 1 Peter as he spells out God's guidelines for...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 15, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Prevailing Under Fire - 11 of 20
Air Date: 4/15/19 - As Warren Wiersbe continues his study in 1 Peter, he talks about trials and difficulties that we experience as...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 12, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Trials and Glory, Part 5 - 10 of 20
Air Date: 4/12/19 - As a Christ follower, there's no question that we're going to suffer--it's how we suffer that matters! Warren Wiersbe...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 11, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Trials and Glory, Part 4 - 9 of 20
Air Date: 4/11/19 - Warren Wiersbe helps prepare us for the trials of a Christ-follower. We'll see how God is glorified in our lives as...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 10, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Trials and Glory, Part 3 - 8 of 20
Air Date: 4/10/19 - Warren Wiersbe takes us to 1 Peter chapter 3 to give us a deeper understanding of all that Jesus accomplished in His...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 9, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Trials and Glory, Part 2 - 7 of 20
Air Date: 4/9/19 - What are the requirements for having a faithful witness in times of trial? Warren Wiersbe answers that question with a...

Alisha Kallatch
Apr 8, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Trials and Glory, Part 1 - 6 of 20
Air Date: 4/8/19 - As Warren Wiersbe discusses the trials of life, we'll learn there's more to suffering than just going through...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 4, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - The Furnaces of Life - 5 of 20
Air Date: 4/5/19 - Warren Wiersbe talks about the furnaces of life, as he leads us from the Book of 1 Peter. We'll discover some of the...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 4, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - Pilgrims and Strangers - 4 of 20
Air Date: 4/4/19 - Warren Wiersbe opens God's Word to 1 Peter to help us discover how to navigate through a world that calls us...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 3, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - God's Word on Temptation, Part 3 - 3 of 20
Air Date: 4/3/19 - Learn how God's Word acts as a "spiritual GPS" to help us stay on the right path and avoid the dangerous detours of...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 2, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - God's Word on Temptation, Part 2 - 2 of 20
Air Date: 4/2/19 - Warren Wiersbe reminds us what happens when we take the bait of temptation. Then he points to some good news--God...

Ben Zuehlke
Apr 1, 2019
Temptations, Trials and Triumphs - God's Word on Temptation, Part 1 - 1 of 20
Air Date: 4/1/19 - Today we begin a series on the temptations, trials and triumphs of life. As Warren Wiersbe opens God's Word to 1...
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