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Crisis Control

Published 9/20/19

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!”


Who, or what, do you run to when the going gets tough?

Most people can recall exactly where they were when they heard that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. Even though it was newsworthy, the story really caught the nation’s attention when the second plane hit. All of a sudden, we were thrown into a crisis. What was going on? Everything seemed to stop as millions watched live coverage of innocent victims fighting for their lives. There was mass confusion as panic set in. Thousands were faced with split- second decisions. Should I stay where I am or try the fire escape? Should I run for cover here or over there? Should I help someone else—or focus on helping myself?

Meanwhile, our nation’s leaders were faced with defending our country from any further attacks. Should we ground all flights? What action should we take if a 747 isn’t responding properly? What’s more, cell phones weren’t working, other airplanes were unaccounted for, the Pentagon was hit, a plane was down in Pennsylvania, the stock market ceased, and rescue workers found themselves defending their own lives.

Fortunately, several things also went right that day. Our leadership remained safe, our government functioned, the military performed effectively, and people throughout the world came to our aid. But the moment of horror left us all more than a little shaken. Our sense of security had taken a blow. And it’s amazing how quickly our world had changed.

Suddenly, everyone from news anchors to school children were offering up prayers for the victims and their families. And for a few days, our President didn’t receive criticism for using the word God. Churches were full and ministers worked overtime to respond to those in need. When all else failed, people turned to God. Some came in anger and some in confusion, but most out of a cry for help. It all boils down to an issue of trust. Who, or what, do you run to when the going gets tough?

As we proudly think of how far we have come in such a short period of time, it’s easy to rely too heavily on gadgets and systems. Our trust is often misplaced when we depend more heavily on human knowledge than in our Creator. Yet God is jealous. He has helped us develop the many comforts of modern life, but He does not want them to become a substitute. What will it take to get your attention? God longs for us to come to Him every day. Don’t wait until you are forced out of your comfort zone to lean on God—start building that relationship of trust now!


Lord, help me to trust You with my very life right now. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You and Your plans. Amen.


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