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Elements of Prayer: Praise

Published 5/16/19

Read Hebrews 13:15

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.


• What is a sacrifice of praise?

• God delights in our prayers as we honor Him with our hearts and minds. Why is praising His name and giving thanks the right place to begin as we pray?

• What are you thankful for?

Prayer is an investment in our relationship with God. Even though it is important to be prayerful in our thoughts throughout the day, quick little request here and there are no substitute for a vibrant prayer life. But most of us have not been trained in how to pray. Sure, it is a conversation between us and our creator. But it is also a time of searching, praising, and confession. It is intimate and sometimes intense. This is how the Spirit shapes us as we draw closer to God. As we enter into a special time with our Lord, the Holy Spirit will guide us.

We should always begin our prayer time with praise. We can call on Him by as many names as we can think of, like, "Abba, Father, Creator, Savior, King of Kings, Lion and Lamb, Master, Protector, All-Knowing, etc." This helps us remember who we are praying to. It opens our minds to the many ways in which God works on our behalf.

Praising and worshiping God is an interactive experience. It's both private and public. It involves our heart and our head. And, as we linger in God's presence, praising Him, we connect with the divine--the very Source of life. "Come near to God and he will come near to you."


Lord Jesus, I want to linger in a moment of praise and thanksgiving. I'm so thankful for all my blessings from You! You are God, You are good, and I love You. Amen.


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