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Four Voices: Part 2

A third voice we hear in the world is the voice of declaration-- God the Son (vv. 7-9). He runs the universe by decree, not by democracy. He knows everything, is everywhere and can do anything. God's decrees will succeed. Puny, foolish men with their godless living will not eradicate or hinder His decrees.

God decrees that Jesus Christ is His Son. Jesus is God, and He is King by nature, by conquest and by His Resurrection. He is reigning today, and we can reign in life through Him (Rom. 5:17).

God also decrees that He will break the rebellious nations with "a rod of iron." When His scepter of righteousness goes forth in judgment, the nations will cry out, not in repentance but in rebellion. God already has given the nations to His Son (Matt. 4:8-10).

The fourth voice is the voice of decision--the Holy Spirit (vv. 10-12). He wants us to learn--to be wise, to be instructed. Many depend on philosophy, psychology and history. These disciplines are helpful, but Christians must rely first and foremost on the Spirit of God to reveal truth.

The Holy Spirit wants us to be willing to serve. We serve the Lord, not sin. There is joy with our fear because God is our Father. In searching for liberty, the rebellious crowd practices anarchy, for freedom without authority is anarchy. We are made in the image of God. To rebel against Him is to rebel against our own nature.

The Holy Spirit also wants us to be reconciled. God is reconciled to us through Christ (Acts 16:31). Jesus "kissed" us in His birth and death. Today He is the Lamb, but someday He will come as the Lion to judge. God is holy and will not allow sin and rebellion to go on forever.

Are you listening to the right voices? "Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him." We are saved by faith through the death of the Son of God. Are you saved? If not, hear His voice and trust in Him.

Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group ( Used by permission. All rights to this material are reserved. Material is not to be reproduced, scanned, copied, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from Baker Publishing Group.


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