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Holding Your Tongue and Turning Your Cheek

From: Words That Heal

By: Michael Ross & Brian Doyle

When people's lives please the LORD, even their enemies are at peace with them. Proverbs 16:7

The Lord tells us--from the beginning of the Bible to the end--that He has conquered fear and has overcome the trials and tribulations of this world. We are no longer slaves to them. As His children we are free! Know what else? We are not Christian doormats ... at home, at church, in our communities, or at work. And you don't have to live like one.

If you find yourself facing a seemingly insurmountable struggle at work and are beginning to feel paralyzed by fear and frustration, here's what you should do: (1) surrender your emotions and your trials to God in prayer, (2) take some steps toward change with the Lord's guidance, and then (3) brace yourself. The battle may get nasty before it gets better. But if you're on the side of truth, hold on to hope. God has your back.


Have you mistakenly believed that it's okay to be manipulated because you're a Christian? (Ponder your answer.) When, and how, should you speak up?

Don't just "roll over and play dead." If your workplace circumstances have gotten to the point of becoming unbearable, remind yourself that you have choices, and that your suffering will end. You may think you don't deserve good treatment at work, and so you put a Christian veneer on it by mistaking your workplace suffering with suffering for the Gospel's sake. That's a mistake. Pray about your work environment. Is the Lord nudging you to make some changes?

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