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Know Him: God Is Merciful and Gracious

Published 4/30/19

Read Luke 6:35-36

"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful."


• Do you believe that Christ has forgiven your sins?

• Do you believe that He wants a relationship with you?

• Do you believe that the Lord is merciful and freely offers His grace and forgiveness?

Need grace? We all do! And God is full of it. He is gracious (see Romans 3:24). What exactly is grace? It's favor, goodwill, and blessing. God delights in giving you grace! But it doesn't stop there.

He is also merciful (see Luke 6:36). Mercy is undeserved grace. It's the policeman who writes you a warning instead of a ticket--even though you were speeding. Mercy is the judge who puts you on probation instead of behind bars--even though you're guilty. Mercy is God forgiving your sins and even sending His Son to pay the penalty for you. What a God! And as you get to know Him intimately, you'll become confident and rock solid in your relationship with Him.


Lord Jesus, help me to be more like You. Thank You for Your grace and mercy.


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