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Know Him: Miraculous Catch

Published 4/23/19

Read John 21:5-6

Jesus said to them, "Children, do you have any fish?" They answered him, "No." He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish.


Christ has done the miraculous for you. Do you believe it? Have you accepted it?

• Is your commitment to Christ strong when the pressure hits ... or do you crumble?

• Like Peter, are you having trouble looking Christ in the eye? What's your first step toward mending your relationship with Him ... and breaking through sins like hypocrisy? (Hint: Flip over to James 5:16 for a clue.)

"It's him!" John is the first to realize the man is no stranger. And before he can say another word, Peter cannonballs into the water--clothes and all--leaving the rest of the guys to fight with the fish. He splashes and strokes and swims as hard as he can--thankfully the boat is only a hundred yards from the shore. As he comes up out of the water, he can see every feature of the Lord's face. It really is him! Peter stands silently on the shore, feeling completely wretched and unworthy. Why did I do it? How could I deny my Lord? When push came to shove, why did I crumble?

Can you imagine the tug-of-war of emotions Peter felt that morning? First hopelessness, then guilt and remorse ... and finally heart-throbbing joy. But then one look at Jesus, and a firm tug on the "emotional rope" pulls him back into guilt again. One phrase comes to mind: convertible Christ-follower.

Lots of gadgets in life are convertible--cars, clothing, computers, cooking utensils. With a tug and a snap, you can transform an open-air cruiser into a stormproof sedan ... or your handy laptop travel bag into the ultimate fast-paced workplace. But did it ever occur to you that Christians can be convertible too? (Sadly, Peter gives us a prime example.) These kinds of believers act one way at church and at home, then transform into someone else when they're in public. The Bible has a harsh way of describing convertible Christians: hypocrisy. Are you guilty of fake faith? Are you wandering through life with convertible convictions? If so, how can you reattach "authenticity" to your Christian walk?


Lord Jesus, help me break free from a phony faith. Ask Him to reveal areas of your life that need work (sins to confess, habits to overcome, desires to commit to Him.) Ask Him to purge the old ways of thinking and acting--especially a lifestyle filled with envy, pride, anger, jealousy, lust, and confusion.


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