For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth.
My Redeemer Lives
Some years ago an article appeared in National Geographic magazine that told of a young man from Hanover, Pennsylvania, who was badly burned in a boiler explosion. To save his life, physicians covered him with 6,000 square centimeters of donor skin as well as sheets of skin cultured from a stamp-sized piece of his own unburned skin. A journalist later asked him, "Do you ever think about the donor who saved you?" The young man replied, "To be alive because of someone else is too big, too much, so I don't think about it."
Job, on the other hand, not only thought about the One who would save him, he longed for Him. As he looked at his life, he realized his need for a redeemer. In spite of his best efforts, his life fell far short of the perfection that God required. Yet he rejoiced in the fact that the One who would pay the price for his sins was alive--not only alive, but would someday actually stand upon the earth. It was on this great event that Job pinned all his hopes.
For those of us who live on this side of Christ's birth, we know that our Redeemer came, lived among us and died on the cross for our sins. And, like Job, that is the great event on which we pin all our hopes. Even though it took place centuries ago, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the crux around which everything else revolves. Because of this Redeemer, we have the assurance that we are free from the penalty of sin. The price has been paid, God's justice has been satisfied, and we are restored to a full relationship with the Father.
Have you been redeemed? If not, Christ offers you that opportunity right now. He paid the price for your sins when He died in your place at Calvary's cross. Accept Him as your Redeemer today. If you've done that, then give Him thanks. Christ has set you free.
Redemption: don't leave life without it.