What kind of exercises do lazy people do?
Diddly squats!
Paul Kruger loves telling jokes, and as our newest spiritual growth encourager, he’ll be sharing them with you this month. Paul, who has Down syndrome, is very comfortable in his own skin, knowing that God made him and blesses him just the way he is. That knowledge was instilled in him by his parents and lived out in faith at home with his family, in his community and in his church.
Today, Paul who lives with his parents, enjoys working at the high school cafeteria, loves volunteering at the local theater, and is very proud of his role as usher at church. Oh, and he’s a “funcle,” a term he explained when we interviewed him recently …
BTTB Paul, what do you want people to
know about you?
PAUL I was born with Down syndrome. I am 24 years old and I have a job working at the high school cafeteria. I volunteer at our local theater. I am a Special Olympic athlete. My favorite sports are basketball and bowling.
BTTB What are some of your favorite things to do?
PAUL I like to spend time with my family. I like to participate in Special Olympics. I like to go to my job and help at the theater and watch movies. I like to listen to music and watch TV. I like to look at photo albums, my high school yearbooks and my memory books. I like to go on vacations and road trips.
BTTB Tell us a little about your family.
PAUL I live with my mom and dad. My older brother, Michael, is married to Tami and they have two kids, Elsie and Layla. My older sister, Erin, is married to Thomas and they have two kids, Hallie and Sawyer. I love being an uncle (I am a funcle – a fun uncle)!
BTTB How did you learn to tell such good jokes?
PAUL My buddy (Grandpa Dean) always tells good jokes!
BTTB You are really good at remembering people’s birthdays. Why is that?
PAUL I like to tell others happy birthday. I like to celebrate birthdays. I like looking at the
calendar on my phone and the year that people were born. I was born on a Friday. I like to
remember those things.
BTTB What do you want people to know about Jesus?
PAUL He’s kind, He’s friendly, He is nice to me. He teaches me to treat people nice. God is powerful. His words are in the Bible. Jesus always loves me. Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins. Someday I will live with Jesus in heaven.
Paul’s faith and good humor is infectious, so we hope you enjoy his videos, especially as we honor God on National Down Syndrome Day (March 21st) for some of the special people He
has put in our midst.