Read 2 Timothy 3
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV
In my heart of hearts, do I trust God's Word?Why, if I know that reading the Bible can make a concrete difference in my life, do I often relegate it to the last priority in my day?What can I do to make Scripture-reading the first priority in my life?
So often we fail to make Scripture a priority. We succumb to our hectic schedules and busy lives while the Bible sits unopened on our nightstands and book shelves. We tell ourselves that we'll get to it later, when we have more time, when life slows down. Yet a close look at these verses clearly details the necessity of Scripture-reading in our daily lives. Delving into God's Word on a regular basis teaches us, guides us, corrects us, inspires us, and speaks to the exact place and circumstances of our personal lives. Without the guidance of God's Word, we are ill-equipped to overcome life's hurdles and unable to discern God's will for our unique purpose on Earth.
As you launch into the New Year, make a commitment to read the Bible at least four times each week, and pay close attention to what guidance He may be offering that is specifically relevant to you and your personal circumstances. Try to read just a few verses at a time, slowly and thoughtfully, rather than hurriedly trying to get through it and onto something else. Perhaps keep a notebook and a pen by your side, and jot your thoughts and reactions as you mull over God's Word.
Lord, help me make Your Word the first priority in my day, rather than the last.