By: Arnie Cole, Pamela Ovwigho, and Michael Ross
“For I know that my redeemer lives, and in the end he will stand on the earth.”
Faith Quest
Read Job 19:1–29
How does knowing God is always with you provide comfort when others abandon you?
Faith Trek
Other than a brief glimpse of Job’s wife and his three friends, we haven’t really heard much about how others responded to his tragedies. Did the neighbors band together to retrieve his children’s bodies so they could have a proper burial? Did they hold a fund-raiser to help Job and his wife recover financially? Did they stop by to express their sympathy?
Job now revealed that the reality was far different. Everyone—friends, neighbors, servants, spouse and siblings—abandoned him in his time of need. Pain and suffering can drive people away from us. They may fear that what has happened to us will spread to them. Perhaps they are afraid to see us in pain, not sure how they will be able to handle their own emotions or provide any comfort.
Truthfully, some do not care enough to be present in our suffering. With his wealth and social status, Job likely attracted more than his share of this latter type, people who wanted to be close to his power yet didn’t really care about him as a person. Whatever the reason, seeing others turn away only adds to our hurt. It deprives us of the important comforts of knowing that others care and that we are not alone.
Job looked around and saw no one standing with him except his God. He confidently proclaimed that his Redeemer lives and that He will stand on the earth. Job’s faith is inspiring. It stems from a more profound place than a simple feeling. Job knows this truth in the deepest part of his spirit, and he gained this knowledge through a close, longstanding relationship with his Creator.
As believers, we boldly make the same proclamation. Jesus has told us that He will be with us always, even to the end of the age (see Matthew 28:20). When we are our lowest and feel like the whole world has turned their backs on us, our Lord is there. What great comfort that truth provides!
Faith Tools
• Some people will turn away from you when you are hurting. The reasons vary but often have little to do with you.
• Even when friends and family walk away, your Redeemer remains with you.
• PRAY: “Gracious Lord, thank You for being an ever-present help in times of trouble.” Ask God to heal the hurt you have from the abandonment of others.
Notes for Growth
A Key Point I Learned Today:
How I Want to Grow:
My Prayer List:

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