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Careful Teaching

By: Arnie Cole and Michael Ross

Today's passage

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.


-Do I believe the Holy Bible is God's infallible and authoritative Word? (Why, or why not?)

-Do I take my responsibility of sharing God's Word with others seriously?

-Do I ever really do this--do I ever really preach the Word?

Many of us are uncomfortable with the notion of evangelism. We can't shake the image of people ranting Scripture on street corners, shaking the Bible like a weapon over their heads. But this kind of over-the-top evangelism isn't what Jesus had in mind at all. In fact, in these verses Timothy reminds us that while it's important that we preach the Word, we must do it carefully and with great patience. This may mean waiting until the time is right to have a conversation about God or the Bible with a friend or acquaintance. It might mean thinking about and praying over how we will speak to someone, so that we don't come off as judgmental or preachy. It might even mean demonstrating God's Word with our actions more than with our words.


Ask for Change: Lord, give me the courage to share your Word with friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even strangers. And give me the knowledge to choose the right words and the right time to share Your message.

Consider what's real: It's hard to shake that image of the street corner evangelist, but in reality, there are lots of ways to share God's Word with people. Consider teaching Sunday school or an adult education class at your church, for instance. Or, if you are more comfortable writing than speaking, think about ways in which you can express God's message through writing--maybe via a simple weekly Facebook update containing a Bible verse, or in volunteering to write letters to prison inmates.

Additional verses to consider: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Colossians 3:16

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