Published 6/17/19
By: Michael and Tiffany Ross
But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.
Family Quest
Before you meet, pull out three large bowls and fill each one with three different items: place cooked spaghetti in one bowl, Jell-O in another, and gummy worm candies in the third. Next, place the bowls in brown paper sacks. Dare your kids to come forward, put on a blindfold, and—without seeing what’s inside—bravely stick one hand in each bag and feel the items. To add to the drama make up a story: Tell everyone that you just returned from the meat department at the supermarket and asked the butcher to let you take home some “spare parts.” Say something like this: “Who has the courage to relinquish their hand to my mystery bags?” Have them describe the experience and try to guess what’s inside. And then turn the conversation to the subject of courage.
Talk It Out
· What went through your mind as you touched each item?
· Did you have to muster up courage? Why or why not?
· Describe those moments in your life when you need extra courage.
· Think about how brave Jesus was during His ministry on earth—especially when He went to the cross for us. How does that make you feel? Do you trust that He will give you courage when you need it? (Explain your answer.)
Parent-Child Connection
Open your Bible and read 2 Corinthians 12:1–10. Talk about Paul’s “thorn” and about how Jesus gave this follower the grace and the strength to cope with his adversity. Tell your child this: “When bad things happen in our lives—when we feel pain, problems, and pressure—God has not abandoned us. We can turn our problems over to Jesus. We can ask Him for the strength and courage to face tomorrow.”
Talk to God
As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank Jesus for His courage and (2) ask the Lord for help being braver—especially when life feels scary.
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