Published 6/18/19
By: Michael and Tiffany Ross
As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.
Family Quest
Jesus was a man on a mission. Time after time, He knew what He had to do, and He did it decisively. Encourage your kids to follow His example. Pull out some notepads and ask them to list various decisions that they must make now, especially the ones that can end up affecting their future. In other words, deciding whether or not to do their homework, brush their teeth, eat good food that fuels their bodies. . .commit to following Jesus.
Talk It Out
· Why did Jesus set out for Jerusalem?
· What do you think are the most important decisions in life?
· Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions. How can Jesus’ example help you be decisive about unpleasant decisions?
Parent-Child Connection
This is a good reminder that God is always working for our good. He is using His amazing abilities to care for us. He knows that our lives will be better if we stay close to Him, and He has given us so many ways to do this. Praying, reading our Bible, being a part of a church, and so many other practices help us to stay connected. He has given us these things so we can stay strong and be ready when difficult decisions come our way.
Talk to God
As you pray, encourage your child to (1) ask Jesus to help her make decisions that are pleasing to God and (2) thank Him for providing comfort and encouragement when hard decisions have to be made.
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