Published 6/19/19
By: Michael and Tiffany Ross
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Family Quest
Have your child draw a big circle with no beginning or ending point. Parents may also use their rings as an example. Discuss the meaning of eternal.
Talk It Out
· Where is the beginning and the ending?
· Are we eternal? How is God different from us?
· Does God’s love for us ever end?
Parent-Child Connection
This is a difficult topic for most adults to grasp. But it is important to begin this discussion when your kids are young. They need to know that God is eternal even if they can’t fully understand it. God isn’t just the good guy who can be replaced by another good guy down the line. He is God—always and forever!
Talk to God
As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank Jesus for always loving him and (2) ask the Lord to help him walk with Him and choose to love Him.
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