Published 6/21/19
By: Michael and Tiffany Ross
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Family Quest
Things change: the weather, our moods—even what’s for dinner. But God stays the same. Pull out a notepad and list ten (or more) things around you that might change, as well as ten (or more) things about God that never change.
Talk It Out
· Who is always faithful to you?
· Are you faithful to your friends and family? God?
· Is it easier for you or God to be faithful? How is the Lord faithful?
Parent-Child Connection
Loyalty is an important character trait. Being faithful to your commitments will have a significant impact on your life. Just like God is faithful to us, He wants us to be faithful to Him and to others. We were created to be in proper relationship with both God and other people. Encourage your kids to follow Christ’s example by being faithful.
Talk to God
As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank Jesus for being faithful and unchanging, and (2) ask the Lord to help him be a faithful friend to others.
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