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Gavin & Amenla see goTandem as a Game Changer for Personalized Discipleship

In the quiet of their own home in southern India, Gavin and his wife Amenla knew they could use their local church and property for much more than simply Sunday gatherings. In many areas surrounding Bangalore, India, sex trafficking among women and young girls is a rampant problem–an issue often perpetuated by temples and local leaders with power and influence.

Over the past decade, Gavin and Amenla have built up their church property which now includes housing facilities for 30 to 40 women. A life skills program places them into job training and education, saving them from the life-long horror of trafficking. An on-site school provides weekly education for their daughters and other young girls taken out of the system as well. Not only are these women and children being provided a chance to have a life they want and deserve, but to be transformed spiritually.

“The spiritual hunger and need here in India is immense, but we see small, consistent steps with people throughout the country making that happen”, says Gavin. While the Christian population remains a small minority, facing challenges at many levels, the need for individual, personalized discipleship has never been stronger. Gavin says bringing the goTandem app into India would be a game changer for both individuals, churches and many other contexts.

“This app provides the opportunity for those seeking a personal relationship, a better way forward, and renewed life to be changed forever. The need to get this app translated into several crucial languages and integrated is huge, but I know we can do it.”

Gavin and Amenla are just one example of individuals taking the next step, choosing to see a better way forward and recognizing the creative, unique ways spiritual growth can take place in any context, place and situation.


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