"I know I shouldn't be surprised but I am in awe at how Great our God is. I sent an email to a family member this morning, asking them to pray for me that I would be able to stay devoted to Gods Word and that my eyes and ears would be open to whatever it is that he is trying to tell me, and what plans he has for my life, and how can I bear the good fruit and be a good example to those around me of what it should be like to worship & love the Lord.
I came here to read my daily devotional (yes catching up on yesterdays!!) and the last 2 sentences say exactly what I needed to hear: "He speaks a message crafted especially for each one of us. All we have to do is open the pages of His book to discover what He wants to tell us." I am so thankful to know and love our Father in Heaven!!" ~ Megan, A Forward Devotion Subscriber