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"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice" (Phil. 4:4).

"Sing a little song of trust, O my heart! Sing it just because you must, As leaves start; As flowers push their way through dust; Sing, my heart, because you must.

"Wait not for an eager throng Bird on bird; 'Tis the solitary song That is heard. Every voice at dawn will start, Be a nightingale, my heart!

"Sing across the winter snow, Pierce the cloud; Sing when mists are drooping low Clear and loud; But sing sweetest in the dark; He who slumbers not will hark."

"An' when He hears yo' sing, He bends down wid a smile on His kin' face an' listens mighty keerful, an' He says, 'Sing on, chile, I hears, an' I's comin' down to deliber yo': I'll tote dat load fer yo'; jest lean hawd on Me and de road will get smoother bime by."'

The public domain version of this classic devotional is the unabridged edition of Streams in the Desert.


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