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The Vicious Loudmouth

Published 10/16/19

By Greg Johnson

What If...

It’s Wednesday, the night you go to Kids Club at your church. You play games, memorize verses and work your way through a Kids Club handbook that has a lot of Bible stuff in it. The leaders work pretty hard at making it fun for all the kids—and most of the time, it is fun.

But there is this one kid named Steve who drives you crazy. He always has to be the center of attention. He thinks he’s Mr. Comedian and is always cutting other people down. Tonight during discussion time you raise your hand to answer a question, but you don’t give the right answer and Steve starts in on you. Before the teacher can stop him, he nails you good—twice! The class erupts in laughter and you feel really stupid.

After Kids Club is over, you stay to talk to the leader about the upcoming day-hike. Dad said he would drive and you need to get a few more details for him. As you head out the door, the teacher notices that Steve has left his backpack. He asks you if you’d mind trying to catch him in the parking lot.

Swinging the backpack over your shoulder, you race up the stairs toward the parking lot to see if you can catch him before he leaves. A few thoughts run through your head about what you’d really like to do with the backpack, but you push them from your mind.

When you reach the parking lot, you head out into the pouring rain to see if you can find him. After a few minutes of looking into car windows, you conclude that Steve is gone. Now you’re really mad. Not only did the guy make you look like a fool in class, but you’re soaking wet, too.

What do I do now with the backpack? You think. Hmmm. I could “accidentally” leave it out in the rain.

Questions to Think On

• Would you be tempted to take revenge on Steve?

• When people do things to you that make you look or feel bad, do you try to get them back?

• Does getting someone back really make you feel better?

• Mom and Dad: Talk about revenge and if you think it’s ever worth it.

What Does God Have to Say?

Bit I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.



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