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What a blessing Pastor Clark's series on Genesis Is!

I was happy to discover the new speaker that is on your program, Pastor Bryan Clark. I have listened to Back to the Bible for years and was so blessed hearing Theodore Epp, Warren Wiersbe and Woodrow Kroll. When the format was changed to recorded messages preached to large congregations it was not the same. It was hard to follow. While a speaker before a mega congregation raises and lowers his voice and goes from loud to soft voice to hold the attention of his listeners a speaker for radio should speak with clarity and in a more even tone so the listener gets every word. That is how I hear it. No turning the volume up or down while trying to listen to the message. Bryan Clarks voice is clear and easy to understand. He may be speaking to a large audience but he is easy to understand and more like a teacher. I still have videos and recordings from past speakers of Back to the Bible.

I started listening to Back to the Bible in the 1950's on a station from Corpus Christi, KCTA. I was glad to find your program and listened whenever I could. Now I listen on my computer. I am old enough & stubborn enough that I still want to write checks and send instead of donating online or over the phone. Another memory, 1958 my family & I made a trip from Texas to Wisconsin. It was my first time to go back to WI since my marriage in 1950. On our way we went through Lincoln and I was so excited to be in the city where Back to the Bible was broadcast and see the large sign on the building. I remember my mother listening back in the late 30's we had a radio that ran off a car battery that we had to get charged every week.


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