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What A Chore!

Published 10/30/19

By Greg Johnson

What If...

You like this family a lot. You like our home, our neighborhood, our church, even your school. The one thing you’re not that crazy about, though, is chores. Those little jobs that always seem to get in the way of your fun... at the exact moment that it’s the funnest!

Every week it’s the same thing: clean your room, take out the upstairs trash, empty the dishwasher, fold the clothes. Yes, you get your allowance for doing all of those little things, but sometimes you’d almost rather not get anything. The reason: Mom and Dad constantly have to remind you to do them. We threaten to take away that allowance, not let you watch TV, not let you play with your friends—we try anything that involves withholding privileges.

You try to be logical about the situation. Why should I do chores? you think. I’m a kid. Kids are supposed to have fun, not work.

And you are a typical kid. You like to play in your room with some of your special games and collections, you like to watch TV when there’s something good on (even when there isn’t sometimes), you love to spend time with your friends... you love to do anything and everything—besides work.

Lately, it’s been a real source of “discussion” between Mom and Dad and you. We can’t convince you to do your chores, and you can’t convince us why you shouldn’t do them.

Questions to Think On

• Though it may not be this serious at our house when it comes to chores, think about it from Mom and Dad’s side for a minute: why do we really want you to do chores?

• Do you think it’s fair for us to do all of the work?

• What do you think the word “responsibility” means?

• Mom and Dad: Explain your reasoning behind giving your child the chores you do.

What Does God Have to Say?

He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good.



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