Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness.
He loveth righteousness and justice: the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the Lord.
PSALMS 33:5 (R. V.)
I SING because Thy works are fair,
Thy glory makes me glad,
The garments bright of praise I wear,
For Thou art brightly clad.
Full triumph doth my soul possess,
Because Thy ways are right;
The glory of Thy righteousness
Maketh my dear delight.
THE fullness of joy is to behold God in all; for by the same blessed might, wisdom, and love, that He made all things, to the same end our good Lord leadeth it continually, and there to Himself shall bring it, and, when it is time, we shall see it.
God gives us richly all things to enjoy, while He Himself is His own best gift, and to be enjoyed not in a way of duty, but in the simple, natural realizing aright of what we possess in Him.
This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.