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Shadow of the Almighty!

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Al­mighty.


The upright shall dwell in Thy presence.

PSALMS 111:13

My soul and all its powers

Thine, wholly Thine shall be;

All, all my happy hours

I consecrate to Thee:

Me to Thine image now restore,

And I shall praise Thee evermore.


IF the wish is wakened in our soul to be ever in His presence, let us go to Him this moment, and ask Him what to do, and how to feel, believing that He is more ready to hear than we to pray. He will give us realiza­tion of His love, and convictions of duty. Let us fol­low those convictions implicitly; let us ask Him every day to teach us more, and help us more; and we shall soon say, with Paul, "Thanks be unto God, for His unspeakable gift!"


The all-important thing is not to live apart from God, but as far as possible to be consciously with Him. It must needs be that those who look much into His face will become like Him.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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