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Perfect Heart

Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.


IN little things of common life,

There lies the Christian's noblest strife,

When he does conscience make

Of every thought and throb within;

And words and looks of self and sin Crushes

for Jesus' sake.


WHERESOEVER we be, whatsoever we are doing, in all our work, in our busy daily life, in all schemes and undertakings, in public trusts, and in private retreats, He is with us, and all we do is spread before Him. Do it, then, as to the Lord. Let the thought of His eye unseen be the motive of your acts and words. Do nothing you would not have Him see. Say nothing which you would not have said before His visible presence. This is to do all in His name.


If one sign surer than any other be chosen to mark the progress of the Divine life, it is when sanctity prevails even in the minutest points of character, and in ordinary ways. The least look, the faintest expres­sion, the casual act, may tell more of the secret power of Jesus in the soul, than world-famed acts of self-devotion.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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