Published 8/1/19
By: Michael and Tiffany Ross
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Family Quest
Place several craft items on your kitchen table: finger paints, construction paper, glitter, crayons, clay—anything that will get your child’s creative juices flowing. Set a timer and say this: “Create a work of art for ____________ [name of friend or relative]. Use your imagination and have fun!”
Talk It Out
· How did your child come up with her creation?
· What came easy? What was hard?
· Say this: “God gives us the ability to use our imaginations. In what ways is the Lord creative?” (Answer: He created all things.)
Parent-Child Connection
All creativity flows from God. He is the original source of all we know. And we were created in His image. Therefore, He totally expects us to use our own creativity in our lives. Help your kids to find ways to explore new ideas as they explore their world. Just imagine how we can impact our culture with new and exciting ways to show others God’s love.
Talk to God
As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank Jesus for being so big and mighty and (2) ask the Lord to help him appreciate what He has done for him.
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