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"Follow Me"

He saith unto them, Follow me . . . and they straightway left their nets, and followed Him.

MATTHEW 4:19,20

JESUS calls us; o'er the tumult

Of our life's wild, restless sea,

Day by day His sweet voice soundeth,

Saying, "Christian, follow me."

As of old St. Andrew heard it

By the Galilean lake,

Turned from home, and toil, and kindred,

Leaving all for His dear sake.


THE will of God will be done; but, oh, the un­speakable loss for us if we have missed our opportu­nity of doing it!


God, who calleth us, Himself gives us the strength to obey His call. He who is with us now to call us, will be ever present with us, in all whereto He calleth us. All in His purpose and love, every degree of grace and glory, lies wrapped up in His next call. All eternity of bliss and the love of God will, through His grace, forecoming, accompanying, following, lie in one strong, earnest, undivided, giving of thy whole self to God, to do in thee, through thee, with thee, His gracious, loving will.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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