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Fountain of Life

With Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see light.

How beautiful our lives may be; how bright

In privilege; how fruitful of delight!

And lo! all round us His bright servants stand;

Events, His duteous ministers and wise,

With frowning brows, perhaps, for their disguise,

But with such wells of love in their deep eyes,

And such strong rescue hidden in their hands!


WE see always what we are looking for, and if our mind has become trained to look for trouble and diffi­culty and all dark and dreary things, we find just what we seek. On the other hand, it is quite as easy to form the habit of looking always for beauty, for good, for happiness, for gladness, and here, too, we shall find precisely what we seek.


I never knew her [Mrs. Ewing] fail to find happiness wherever she was placed, and good in whomever she came across. Whatever her circumstances might be, they always yielded to her causes for thankfulness, and work to be done with a ready and hopeful heart.


This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.


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