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Updated: May 8

By Jason Nabb,

Director of Marketing

One of the most difficult things to do, in my opinion, is change behaviors. Many times, I have tried to change my diet, my activity level, my spending…you get the idea. Why is it so difficult to change a behavior or develop a new healthy habit? It’s certainly easy enough to develop bad habits. It seems like they show up unannounced one day and you’re unaware until it’s a deep-rooted part of your routine.

According to Lifeway Research, a Bible can be found in 9 out of 10 U.S. households. However, in a survey from Barna Group in 2021, 50% of Americans pick that Bible up less than twice annually. There are many reasons why this might be. The Bible can be very intimidating to a new user. It can seem incredibly confusing as well, with different tones, writing styles and the fact that it covers thousands of years of history. Whatever the reason, most people do not engage Scripture in a life-transforming way. This is where Back to the Bible finds its mission.

For decades, Back to the Bible has brought some of the best Bible teaching to millions over the radio waves. This was due to our founder’s call to bring the Gospel to as many as possible using the latest technology. Historically, that was radio. With the advent of the internet, our CEO, Arnie Cole, has charged the ministry with designing new ways to encourage strong Bible-reading and daily discipleship habits using the world wide web, and specifically, mobile devices.

Astonishingly, 97% of Americans own a mobile phone (Bazen, 2023). That’s over 330 million people. Children are handed their own devices on average at around 11 years old (Bazen, 2023).

So, Back to the Bible is focused on helping people develop the habit of receiving, reflecting and responding to Scripture at the life-transforming level of 4 or more days per week (based on our proven research). We also know that to truly be a mature Christian, one needs to also reveal what they’ve learned from the Bible to those around them. It’s what we are called to do.

The ministry is doing this by offering GOtandem, a mobile app designed specifically to meet the needs of each individual through a quick Spiritual Fitness Workout routine that zeroes in on the individual’s struggles and desired growth areas. This learner-centered approach is effective in helping a person quickly see the impact of absorbing Scripture and allowing it to saturate their life. GOtandem also offers a vast library of Bible-teaching multimedia content for when a user is ready to dive deeper into their knowledge of Scripture. As these habits grow, app users can share what they’ve learned and participate in the GOtandem prayer community, weekly emails from Arnie and even disciple others in their realm using the Spiritual Fitness Routine as a guide.

This is our mission at Back to the Bible, to bring the Gospel to people where they are, when they need it and helping them draw closer to Jesus each and every day. God bless you for making the journey with us.

PS: Be sure to check out all of the great Bible teaching content at or, from your mobile device, click this link: GOtandem from the App Store or Google Play and download our Daily Spiritual Fitness App.

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