Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings.
NOT more than I can bear I know
Thou, dearest Lord, wilt on me lay,
And I can learn of Thee to go
Unfearing on my way.
IT is a tremendous moment when first one is called upon to join the great army of those who suffer. That vast world of love and pain opens suddenly to admit us one by one within its fortress. We are afraid to enter into the land, yet you will, I know, feel how high is the call. It is as a trumpet speaking to us, that cries aloud, "It is your turn--endure." Play your part. As they endured before you, so now, close up the ranks--be patient and strong as they were. Since Christ, this world of pain is no accident untoward or sinister, but a lawful department of life, with experiÂences, interests, adventures, hopes, delights, secrets of its own. These are all thrown open to us as we pass within the gates--things that we could never learn or know or see, so long as we were well. God help you to walk through this world now opened to you, as through a kingdom, royal, and wide and glorious.
This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.