The Master is come, and calleth for thee.
JOHN 11:28
STIR in us the might of faith,
Light in us the fire of love!
Then will smile Thine angel Death,
Opener of the gate above;
Sweet Thy summons then will come;
Gladsome then shall we go home.
BEYOND all secondary causes, deeper than disease or accident, lies the loving will of Him who is the Lord of life and death. Death is Christ's minister, "mighty and beauteous, though his face be dark," and he, too, stands amidst the ranks of the "ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them that shall be heirs of salvation."
Until our Master summons us, not a hair of our head can perish, not a moment of our life be snatched from us. When He sends for us, it should seem but the message that the child is wanted at home.
Death to a good man is but passing through a dark entry out of one little dusky room of his father's house into another that is fair and large, lightsome and glorious.
This is a public domain version of Joy and Strength.