Read Psalm 18:30-36
Life is 10 percent how you take it and 90 percent what you make it. Notice the repetition of the word make in verses 30-36: "It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect" (v. 32). I like verse 35: "You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great." Why does God permit difficulties to come to our lives? Sometimes He has to break us before He can make us. Sometimes He has to reveal to us what we're really like before He can make us into what He wants us to be.
David went through some difficulties. As a young man he was anointed by God as His chosen servant. He won great victories and was destined to be God's next king on the throne. And what happens to him? He becomes a fugitive. He's chased from place to place by a godless man. He's persecuted by people who lie about him. What in the world is God doing? God is making him. He is taking David's life and making him all he ought to be.
Verse 33 says, "He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places." God wants to make our feet ready for His way and make us more like Jesus Christ. God wanted David to go higher. He wanted David to have feet like hind's feet that could bound over the mountains and rocks. He didn't want David to sit still, complain and pout as Elijah did later.
God gently deals with us (v. 35). It didn't look like gentleness at the time, but when David later reflected over all those years of persecution, he said, "I see the gentle hand of God in all of this." God wants you to go higher and farther. Let Him make you.
The path of your walk with God is lined with both trials and blessings. When the way becomes rough and difficult He promises sure footing to get over the obstacles. Are you traveling a rough path today? Perhaps God is using this time to make you more like Jesus Christ. Let His gentle hand make you.
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