When was the last time you changed direction to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead? We ask because often, making an effort to “pivot” or go just a few steps out of your way to notice, to listen, and to open up a relationship can create tremendous opportunities to share Christ.
Arnie has been challenging our staff to do this lately, and here are some examples they shared. Not all of them have outcomes that we can see, but the idea of pivoting just a bit to follow Jesus’ command to tell others has us emboldened and excited!

(story #1) In a casual conversation about the lack of candidates to choose from in the election, the topic drifted to two state ballot initiatives concerning abortion access. I took the opportunity to insert how the Bible teaches that God expects us to look out for the hurting and helpless. Any solution to the abortion problem has to incorporate help for the mother (hurting) and help for the unborn baby (helpless). I didn’t even work on that answer in advance. I think the Holy Spirit gave it to me in the moment of need.

(story #2) I spend a lot of time outside when it is nice out and have some elderly ladies who come by to chat. One of them is Velma. She and I bonded over our love for flowers. So, I was surprised when she told me that she had cancer and was heading to the doctor’s office. I let her know that I was praying for her, then took her some freshly baked bread and left her an encouraging note. Once she was in remission, I let her know that I had been praying for her, and I thanked God right there! Now, when we see each other, we hug and chat.
SO—is this something that will lead Velma to God? Who knows? But I know God used a quiet and shy person who isn’t good at talking to invest in someone’s life just by being nice.

(story #3) I’m part of a group that gets up early a few times a week to play pickup soccer. One morning, while warming up, we engaged in small talk, and I mentioned that my wife and I had recently moved into a new house. One of the other players chimed in, saying he and his wife had also purchased their first home, which happened to be just a few blocks away from ours.
Several weeks later, my wife and I invited the couple to our home for dinner. We had a great time getting to know them better. A few weeks after that, I received some free hockey tickets, and once again, we invited them to join us. By then, we had built a friendship, so when our church organized a bowling night, we invited them, too. We were excited when they agreed to come, especially since we weren’t sure how they felt about church. They didn’t seem opposed, but we had gathered they hadn’t attended in years. The bowling event gave them a chance to meet people from church in a casual, non church setting, and we prayed it might open a door.
On the drive back from bowling, my friend asked about church service times because he wanted me to watch a Sunday morning soccer game with him. I explained that church conflicted with the game, but I invited him and his wife to join us at church anytime. They showed some interest but decided to watch the game that week. I told him that was perfectly fine. The following week, I sent a no-pressure text asking if they’d like to come to church, and this time, they said yes.
They attended church with us and reconnected with some of the people they had met at bowling. Over the next few months, I continued to text them weekly, and whenever they were able, they joined us. Our relationship grew, and soon they became part of the church community.
As we grew closer, I started praying for an opportunity to invite my friend to join a Bible study group with me. When the right moment came, I asked him. He hesitated, feeling insecure about his lack of Bible knowledge, but I assured him that everyone in the group was there to learn. No one was judged for what they did or didn’t know. After thinking it over, he still seemed reluctant but said he would give it a shot, mentioning he only had a kids’ Bible from his childhood. I gave him one of my extra Bibles, and he joined us.
At first, he was quiet during the discussions and saved his questions to ask me privately on our drive home. But after a few weeks, he became much more comfortable with the group and started participating more openly. He realized the group was made up of people he could trust, and instead of feeling judged, he felt encouraged to grow in his faith.
Fast forward to today—this same friend just offered to host Bible study at his own house! It’s amazing to see how God has been working in his heart, using so many small moments along the way as pivotal steps in his journey. I’m excited to see where it leads next.
This experience has shown me how God works through simple acts of relationship-building. The Holy Spirit was guiding me, and I know this entire story is a testament to God’s plan. I could never have orchestrated it so perfectly on my own. It all started with a prayer to be open to the opportunities God placed before me, and He took it from there. All I had to do was be intentional in forming a friendship, and God did the rest.
We humbly submit our stories to show that small changes in your daily habits can lead to surprisingly big results. It’s like using a laser pointer: if you move it just a tiny bit at the source, the point on a distant wall shifts dramatically!
Likewise, the small pivot you make today for the sake of Jesus can have a tremendous effect on the people God puts in your path … and on you! We may not always see the outcome, but we know God’s commands to go into all the world and His promises to be with us as we do!
We’d love to hear about the pivots you’ve made to introduce people to Jesus. To share your story, email us at: support@backtothebible.org