Read Psalm 44:1-8
The older we get, the more we are inclined to start talking about "the good old days." The writer of this psalm must have been listening to such a discussion, because he writes, "We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, the deeds You did in their days, in days of old" (v. 1).
Then he describes how God had driven out other nations and planted the nation of Israel. When Jewish people reviewed their history, they reviewed one miracle after another: the deliverance from Egypt, the opening of the Red Sea, the path through the wilderness, victories over great armies, the opening of the Jordan River and the conquering of the Holy Land. What a history!
Good days are not only old. We can have good new days as well. Yes, God did do some great things for Israel. We must always remember His mighty works. That includes the great things He has done for His Church, such as in the Book of Acts. And He is still doing great things for His people today. When you have a discouraging day and everything seems to be going wrong, just sit and meditate on what God has already done for you. It will lift your heart in praise and adoration.
The psalmist said, "You are my King, O God" (v. 4). When God is our King, the same power to perform miracles that was available to Moses and Joshua and David is available to us. "You are my King, O God; command victories for Jacob. Through You we will push down our enemies; . . . You have saved us from our enemies" (vv. 4,5,7). Don't live only on the memories of the good old days. God's promises are still valid. Trust Him today and make Him your King.
Israel's history is a track record of God's faithfulness. The same God who worked miracles for Israel is still doing great things for His people today. Are you longing for the good old days? Don't live on nostalgia; trust God to do new works in your life.
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