By Paula Lube, Director of Content
Do you believe that Jesus’ return is drawing closer each day? If so, what is the best use of your time? Of your talents? Of all that God has given you?
These are the questions we ask ourselves here at Back to the Bible. We want to be a people ready for His return, focused on actively introducing as many people as possible to Jesus so they are also ready for His return!
In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 24:14-29), Jesus made it clear here that rather than hoard, hide, or protect the blessings we receive from Him, we are to INVEST those blessings in the lives of others!
So, who are you telling about Jesus?
You are not alone if that question leaves you thinking: "Am I equipped to do this;" "Where do I start:" or "Will anyone listen to me?" Jesus knew you would have them, and that is why He was so specific in telling us …
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
Through His very real presence and power in our lives, Jesus sets us free to follow Him. So, when we out of pure joy reveal His impact in our lives to others, it spills out naturally. Think of
it this way: we are funnels of the living water that flows from our Lord and King. Every drop is meant to quench the deepest thirsts of mankind.
So, here are a few tips to help you pour into others:
Pray: Ask God to give you an opportunity to reveal His truth to someone today. Name that
person who comes to mind and ask God to open their heart to His truth. Ask Him to give you
the right words to say at the right time.
Listen: When opportunities come, be sure to listen to what they have to say. Ask them about their lives and spiritual backgrounds. Their answers will give you a better understanding of where they are and what they need.
Be authentic: When talking about Jesus and His impact on your life, use simple language, not theological terms. Be honest about your relationship with God. How have you grown? What confusion or pain have you experienced while growing. People can relate to that. From there, you can tell them your story or at least a small part of it as the Lord allows. You can relate your process and progress through life to the grace and faithfulness of the Lord.
Leave your expectations in Jesus’ hands: You don’t know how Jesus will use your conversation. He is the one who will use your best effort, even if it’s a bit awkward, to further His Kingdom, but it may not be in a way you expect. Be open to His surprises, trust Him, and continue to pray for ways to make Him known to others. He is faithful and will continue to help you be a disciple and a disciple-maker!
How can you share God with others? Do you have a story of how God has used you to bring someone else into His kingdom? If so, we’d love to hear it - email us at
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