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Back to the Bible is gearing up for an exciting fall and year-end season. August and September have been crucial months of preparation, and we’re eager to share with you a glimpse of what’s ahead as we launch new outreach:


4 ways to experience Spiritual Fitness

We invite you to join our daily 4-step spiritual fitness program

because we want you to be ablaze with a passion for Jesus—a fire that starts in your own heart and then spreads to those around you. Like a single spark igniting a blaze that transforms everything in its path, your passion for Jesus can awaken a spiritual revival in those you walk alongside. When you’re on fire for Christ, your enthusiasm and love become contagious, inspiring others to seek that same fervor in their own lives.


We’re asking the Lord to help us reach 200,000 new learners in spiritual fitness by June 30 (the end of our fiscal year). And I believe the next few months are critical to achieving this goal. Here’s why.


Every day, as people engage with Bible teaching, they share how they’re doing spiritually. The responses we’ve seen all summer reveal a deep struggle: feelings of criticism, anger, worry, and discouragement are at the forefront.


Those over 50 are particularly grappling with anger and frustration.


This is the perfect moment for us to reach out, with even greater urgency.


Consider the current political climate. The ongoing election season has left many feeling unheard and disillusioned, with a deep divide across the nation. Once the election is over, half the country is likely to feel let down and frustrated.


Now, more than ever, it’s vital for us, as Christ Followers, to be the voices of reason, hope, comfort, and assurance. Our preparation today will equip us to make a profound difference in the lives of those around us—no matter who takes office on January 20. The world

needs more Christ Followers who are on fire for Jesus!


In addition to strengthening your own spiritual fitness in preparation, we invite you to partner with us by giving a special gift to help expand outreach. Together, we’re becoming a grassroots movement of Christ Followers, reaching out to those who are struggling and pointing them to God and His living Word.


To encourage us all, special friends of Back to the Bible have established a challenge grant of $108,000 to double the impact of your gift by September 30. Who are these generous friends? They are people just like you—Christ Followers who want their gifts to make the greatest possible impact, both in Gospel outreach and in encouraging all of us to do more personally.


Join this movement today. Your Back to the Bible donation of any size will make a real difference in helping us reach the $108,000 goal. I am deeply grateful for whatever you can contribute by the September 30 deadline. Click the button below for convenient and secure ways to provide your gift.


In His Service,


CEO, Back to the Bible



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